Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Let's Ride!

Dust-off those bikes and pump-up the tires, its time to ride again !!!!!
Thursday & Friday appear to be good riding days. Since many of us (including myself) have not been on a bike for several weeks, I think we should start with a couple "less strenuous" rides.

Thursday (Jan. 14th) ... Meet at Fletcher Park at 12:45pm to depart promptly at 1pm. Ride choices will be:

1) Apple Valley - 25 miles

2) Tuesday's Ride - 24 miles

3) Blackberry Pie - (30 or 34 miles)

4) Horsey Fletcher - 27 miles

We will discuss and decide as a group.

Friday (Jan.15th) ... Meet at the Ingles on rt. 64 in Etowah for a great 26-mile ride which includes a coffee stop (and other yummy goodies) at the famous Flat Rock Bakery (same name as the ride). This is a loop ride which goes out via Little River Rd and returns via Willow and Finley Cove.

Ride departs promptly at 1pm.
John L.

Want other rides to try?  Visit the cue sheet repository at:

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